Escultura para Celina de Álzaga 


Yo tenía 27 años y todo paso muy rápido: Después de una cascada de contactos el destino me llevó en línea directa a encontrarme con la duquesa TITA TAMAMES, la prestigiosa productora de cine y televisión argentina. En cuanto me conoció tuvo tanta empatía conmigo que quiso que presentara una de mis obras en un programa masivo de TV. En el mismo set de canal 9, Tita me dijo: cuando podrías venir a verme? Quisiera contratarte para hacer una escultura de mi nieta. Me pidió que esté en su casona de esquina cubierta de enredaderas una tarde, un ratito antes que su nieta Celina de Alzaga llegara del colegio. En esos minutos me narró rápidamente la historia de su Celina: acaba de perder a sus padres en un accidente y vivía con ella. Para Tita su nieta era todo. Por eso quería que le creara una obra de arte. Subimos los tres a la planta alta por que me dijo que había más luz para fotografiarla. A medida que yo lo hacía- me costaba un poco por que Celina estaba bastante inquieta- fuí imaginando la idea de cómo modelarla y qué mensaje quería que expresara. Cuando la terminé, se la llevé a su casona. Yo estaba bastante nervioso, no sabía si le gustaría. Tita me recibió después de una reunión, quedó asombrada y me preguntó por qué le había girado levemente su cabeza: le expliqué que era por que quería que la escultura tuviese una metáfora a través de su mirada ascendente, que representaba para mí la “búsqueda de sus padres en el cielo” como si Celina les agradeciera a ambos con esa dulce expresión haberle dado la vida, a pesar de todo. Era un “GRACIAS”. A Tita se le humedecieron sus ojos impresionantemente azules y me dió un abrazo fuerte. No nos volvimos a ver aunque me hubiese gustado mucho. 

Salí caminando hacia la avenida Santa Fe con una gran sensación de satisfacción porque sentí haber materializado, estén donde estén, un Puente de amor. 


I was 27 years old and everything happened very quickly: After a cascade of contacts, destiny took me on a direct line to meet the Duchess TITA TAMAMES, the prestigious Argentine film and television producer. As soon as he met me, he had such empathy with me that he wanted me to present one of my works on a massive TV program. On the same channel 9 set, Tita told me: when could you come see me? I would like to hire you to make a sculpture of my granddaughter. He asked me to be in his corner house covered in vines one afternoon, a little while before his granddaughter Celina de Alzaga came home from school. In those minutes he quickly narrated the story of his Celina: he had just lost his parents in an accident and was living with her. For Tita, her granddaughter was everything. That is why he wanted me to create a work of art for him. The three of us went upstairs because she told me that there was more light to photograph her. As I did it - it was a bit difficult for me because Celina was quite restless - I imagined the idea of ​​how to model her and what message I wanted her to express. When I finished it, I took it to his house. I was quite nervous, I didn't know if he would like it. Tita received me after a meeting, she was astonished and asked me why I had turned her head slightly: I explained that it was because I wanted the sculpture to have a metaphor through her upward gaze, which represented for me the “search for her parents in heaven ”as if Celina thanked them both with that sweet expression for having given her life, despite everything. It was a "THANK YOU". Tita's stunningly blue eyes got wet and she gave me a big hug. We did not see each other again although I would have liked it very much.

I walked towards Santa Fe Avenue with a great feeling of satisfaction because I felt I had materialized, wherever they are, a Bridge of love.

Homero Sangorrin